An important goal of BELIS is the implementation of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) or drone technology in practical breeding programmes.

BELIS foresees two approaches with UAV technology in red clover: (1) the development of a model to predict the amount of flower heads – an important predictor of seed yield – in field plots with red clover, and (2) the application of a model for biomass prediction in practical breeding programmes.

Up to now, ILVO shared a protocol for UAV data collection with the partner breeders (DLF, DSV, Agroscope and Barenbrug). In 2024, partner breeders will set up their field trials (forage yield and seed yield trails) and acquire experience with UAV data collection and processing. ILVO will guide partners where necessary. In 2025, breeders will start the actual UAV data collection, and ILVO will develop the models for flower head numbers and biomass. A validation of the model is foreseen in 2026 and 2027.